all postcodes in TR2 / TRURO

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR2 4TF 0 50.273987 -5.013234
TR2 4AA 2 0 50.279287 -4.99051
TR2 4AB 5 0 50.27406 -4.983229
TR2 4AD 3 0 50.266704 -4.982081
TR2 4AE 3 0 50.263487 -5.000797
TR2 4AF 3 0 50.25927 -4.987131
TR2 4AG 7 1 50.257794 -4.988568
TR2 4AH 5 0 50.244876 -5.007721
TR2 4AJ 15 0 50.240321 -5.005064
TR2 4AL 1 0 50.231743 -4.998985
TR2 4AN 9 3 50.23584 -5.005792
TR2 4AP 5 0 50.28846 -5.008757
TR2 4AQ 8 0 50.247165 -5.00304
TR2 4AR 1 0 50.278861 -5.01329
TR2 4AS 1 0 50.291237 -4.986902
TR2 4AU 6 0 50.280205 -4.990871
TR2 4AW 2 0 50.28416 -4.994802
TR2 4BT 1 0 50.29027 -4.997905
TR2 4AX 7 1 50.279788 -4.990312
TR2 4AY 34 0 50.280553 -4.993448